====================================================================== Release Notes ====================================================================== Championship Manager 3 Developed by: Sports Interactive Ltd Published by: Eidos Interactive Ltd -------------------------------------- For the latest information and updates -------------------------------------- Visit the following home pages on the web: Sports Interactive Ltd - http://www.sportsinteractive.co.uk/ Eidos Interactive Ltd - http://www.eidos.co.uk/ CM Fan Club - http://www.cm3.com/ ----------------- Technical Support ----------------- Please see the manual accompanying the retail version of the game for instructions on obtaining technical support. ====================================================================== Troubleshooting ====================================================================== -------------- Install issues -------------- It has been noticed that InstallShield can report that there is enough hard disk space free to install Championship Manager 3, yet run out of disk space during install. This happens when installing Championship Manager 3 to a different drive to the one windows is installed upon. The disk space reported is on the target drive, yet Installshield unpacks data to the windows drive in a temporary directory. If you get this problem you need to clear space on your windows drive to allow InstallShield the room to unpack data. ------------ Video issues ------------ Some video drivers do not properly support DirectDraw full-screen in 16-bit colour at any resolution. If you are unable to start Championship Manager 3 which defaults to full-screen mode, start Championship Manager 3 with the command line option -windowed In order for Championship Manager 3 to work in full-screen mode you must have DirectX installed, and your graphics adapter must support 800x600 16-bit colour mode. If Championship Manager 3 fails to open in windowed mode, ensure that your Windows desktop is in 16-Bit colour mode with at least 800x600 pixel resolution. ------------ Sound issues ------------ Championship Manager 3 uses DirectX to play in-match sounds. If your sound does not work and it is turned on in the 'Game Settings' dialogue, make sure that DirectX is installed correctly and configured to use your sound card. ------------------- Network play issues ------------------- The network play option uses TCP/IP. If you are unable to create/join a network game check that you have TCP/IP protocol installed. To do this: * Open the control panel. (Start->Settings->Control Panel) * Click on the network icon. If TCP/IP is not listed in the window you must add it: * Click on Add. * Select Protocol * Select Microsoft * Select TCP/IP * Click on Ok NOTE: You can only play in a game that is on the same subnet mask, To check this: * Open the control panel. (Start->Settings->Control Panel) * Click on the network icon. * Click on TCP/IP in the list - If you have more than one network binding there will be more than one entry, select the one that is connected to your LAN adapter. * Click on Properties Your subnet mask is displayed on the IP Address tab. If this is blank or differs from the computer you are trying to connect to, see your network administrator. If you do not have a network administrator, enter in the sub net field. Due to the configuration of some networks, the name of the network game may not appear on the Join Network Game screen. In this case, it is still possible to join the game by typing the server's IP address into the edit box. The server's IP address can be found on the Manager Status screen on the server. -------------------- Command Line Options -------------------- The command line options are: cm3.exe [-windowed|-nosound|-nonetwork|-verifypics|-verifyhist|-verifysounds] A brief description of each: -windowed Starts Championship Manager 3 in a window instead of full-screen. This option should be used if the game is unable to open in full-screen mode. -nosound Stops the sound layer from starting. This option should be used if DirectX is unable to communicate with your sound card without error. -nonetwork Stops the network layer from starting. This option should be used if you get errors as the game tries to open the network (i.e. Unable to open socket) -verifypics Checks the background picture configuration file for errors as a new game starts. This option is only needed if you have modified the pics.cfg file. -verifyhist Checks the history files for validity as a new game starts. This option is only needed if you have added new history files. -verifysounds Checks the in match sound files are valid as the first match starts. This option is only needed if you have changed/updated the match events config file. ------------------- Printing the Screen ------------------- There is no option to print the screen in Championship Manager 3. If you want to print a copy of the screen (or save to file), then run the game in full-screen mode, hit the print screen key and select paste in your art package. You can now save or print the screen image. ----------------------- Option is not available ----------------------- Some game options such as "Save Game", "Restart Game" and "Exit Game" are not always available. This is because at least one player in the game (including Network and Multi-players) has a screen open that must be responded to. If any of these options are unavailable, check the screens you (and any other player in the game) has open. ------------ Requirements ------------ The Minimum requirements for running Cm3 are: 133 Pentium PC (233 recommended) 16 MB Ram (64MB recommended for over 4 multiple leagues) 1MB Video RAM (2MB recommended) Ethernet Adapter (Network Play Only) ------------- Speed Issues ------------- If you find the game is slow to run then you can try the following to speed things up: 1 - Use Minimum Database Select Minimum Database from the Game Settings menu before starting the game, this will load a cut-down database with fewer players and clubs present which will speed up the game. 2 - Select Fewer leagues If you have a slow PC, try selecting fewer leagues as this will cut down on the in game processing (see requirements above for memory recommendations). 3 - Slow screen changes This may be because of an old style video card (for all you geeks out there 16bit colour is held in video memory as RGB 555 or 565 depending upon your video card) .. CM3 will be slower when changing screens with a RGB 555 video card. To test this simply turn off picture changes in the Game Settings menu within CM3. 4 - Close all other applications Ensure that CM3 is the only application that you are running, any other applications will use up valuable system memory which may slow down the game. 5 - Clear Disk Space Ensure that your main hard-disk has a lot of spare disk space for windows to use when needed. -------- Upgrades -------- If the previous tips didn't speed things up enough for your liking and you are considering upgrading your system then bear the following in mind: 1 - Frequent Hard Disk Access This indicates that your system is low on memory and is using virtual memory (stored on the Hard disk), the best way to speed up your game will be to purchase more memory. 2 - Slow Processing with no hard disk access You best bet in this case would be to upgrade the Processor. ------------- Memory Issues ------------- If CM3 displays a message stating that there is not enough system memory to continue, then the game has used up all available physical and virtual memory. To increase the amount of memory available to CM3 try closing down any other applications you are currenly running, or increase the amount of disk space available for virtual memory. For furthur information on configuring your system's virtual memory, consult your Windows operating system manual. ------------------ Reliability Issues ------------------ During the course of playing CM3, the program reads and writes a large amount of information to your hard disk - more so than most other games. If your hard disk contains any surface errors this may cause the game to crash or behave unreliably. It is advisable to check your hard disk for surface errors periodically using Microsoft ScanDisk (a utility program that is part of your Windows installation).